What is the Justice & Pre-Law Sociert (JPS)?
Justice Pre-Law Society, formerly known as J
ustice & Inquiry into Law (JAIL), was founded in 2005 through the School of Justice & Social Inquiry at Arizona State University Tempe. We are a group of undergraduate students interested in the pursuit of legal careers. Our three main tiers stand tall; to develop a strong network, to learn about becoming legal professionals, and to develop as individuals.

How is our Mentorship Program Structured?
In Spring of 2008, we will launch our official mentorship program for students. The mentors involved in the program include undergraduate seniors, law students and professionals in justice and/or legal-related fields. At the start of each semester, a social will provide an opportunity for members and mentors to interact with one another. Each mentor will be introduced to the organization and will become active in events, socials and community service projects along with the organization to ensure that a powerful social and professional network may be established. In addition to this, members are encouraged to contact mentors outside of events for personal development. 

What Does JPS Offer for Members?

+ Exposure to Justice and Legal careers

+ A powerful social and professional network
+ Workshops directed towards personal and professional development
+ Internships and job opportunities in Social Justice and law related environments
+ Four Princeton Review LSAT Strategy sessions and practice tests per year
+ Justice and law related community service efforts


(1) Is the society open to undergraduate students and students of all majors?
Yes! Law school applicants come from many different backgrounds. JPS is an undergraduate organization that encourages all majors to apply.  While we did originate in the School of Justice and Social Inquiry, we currently have active members majoring in varying programs such as Economics, Communication, African American Studies and History. JPS appreciates diversity and would love to become involved with any student wishing to pursue a career in law.  

(2) What are the eligibility requirements to join JPS?
JPS members must be undergraduate students at Arizona State University. Each semester, a formal list of requirements will be given to all inactive and current members. It is then your responsibility to ensure active membership. Each of those students who become active members will be listed with the Student Organization Resource Center as members of the organization the following semester.

(3) Are there any membership fees associated with JPS?
In the past, there was a $75 dues requirement for new members.  This year, each member of JPS must attend a minimum of two ASU concession stand fundraising events in place of membership dues. For Fall of 2008, the Football games (held on Saturday nights) are available for sign up. If weekend commitments conflict with your schedule, the option to pay dues still remains. However please note, in order to maintain active membership according to the bylaws of the organization, one must attend at least one fundraising event.

(4) Where and when are club meetings held?
The club meets every Thursday in Schwada 228 from 4:15-5:30PM. Special events will be held in the Memorial Union, and these dates and locations are given to all members. The social will be held the last Saturday night in August. Each meeting consists of a valuable guest speaker or workshop and will usually end at 5:30pm, but in some cases may extend to 6:00pm.  If members are enrolled in night classes that may conflict with the meetings, then we understand if you need to leave a few minutes earlier.

(5) Who do I contact if I am interested in the club?
Please feel free to contact any of our officers to learn more information and details.  Or simply just click here to shoot us an e-mail and see additional ways to get in touch!  We look forward to meeting you soon! =)